Saturday, 15 July 2017

Who's calling who a whore?

Abbess, or Lady Abbess: a bawd, or mistress of a brothel.

Athanasian Wench: A forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her.

Aunt: Mine aunt; a bawd or procuress; a title of eminence for the senior dells. See DELLS.

Balcum Rancum: a hop or dance, where the women are all prostitutes.

Bat: A low whore: so called from moving out like bats in the dusk of evening.

Biter: A wench whose quim is ready to bite her arse: a lascivious, rampant wench.

Blowen: A mistress or whore of a gentleman of the scamp. "The blowen kidded the swell into a snoozing ken, and shook him of his dummee and thimble." transl: the girl inveigled the gentleman into a brothel and robbed him of his pocket book and watch.

Bunter: A low dirty prostitute, half whore and half beggar.

Buttock: a whore.

Buttock Broker: A bawd, or a matchmaker.

Buttock and File: A common whore and a pickpocket.

Buttock and Twang, or Down Buttock and Sham-File: A common whore but no pickpocket.

Cat: Common Prostitute

Cattle: Whores or gypsies.

Coffee House: A necessary house. To make a coffee house of a woman's quim; to go in and out and spend nothing.

Commodity: A woman's commodity: the private parts of a modest woman, and the public parts of a prostitute.

Convenient: A Mistress.

Covent Garden Nun: A Prostitute.

Covey: a collection of whores. "What a find covey hereis, if the devil would but throw his net!"

Crack: A Whore.

Crackish: Whorish.

Crinkum Crankum: A woman's commodity. See SPECTATOR (Which they have failed to make an entry for. Use your imagination, kids.)

Curtizan [sic]: A Prostitute.

Custom House Goods: The stock in trade of a prostitute, because fairly entered.

Cyprian: A Prostitute.

Dells: Young buxom wenches, ripe and prone to venery, but who have not lost their virginity, which the "upright" man claims by virtue of his perogative: After which they become free for any of the fraternity. Also a common strumpet.

Demimondaine: a kept woman; a mistress.

Dishclout: A dirty, greasy woman. See WHORE.

Doxies: She-beggars, wenches, whores.

Drap: A nasty sluttish whore.

Drury Lane Vestal: A woman of the town, or a Prostitute.

Easy Virtue: An impure woman; a Prostitute.

Fen: A bawd or common prostitute.

Fusty Luggs: A beastly, sluttish woman.

Hedgewhore: An itinerent harlot who bilks the bagnios and bawdyhouses by disposing of her favours on the wayside under a hedge. A low, beggerly prostitute.

Hoyden: A romping girl. See WHORE.

Laced Mutton: See WHORE.

Madame Ran: A Whore.

Miss: A kept mistress. A Harlot.

Mob, or Mab: A Wench or a Harlot.

Monosyllable: A woman's commodity.

Moon-Eyed Hen: A squinting whore.

Mother: A bawd.

Mrs. Warren: see WHORE

Public Ledger: A prostitute, because like that paper, she is open to all parties.

Queer Mort: A diseased strumpet.

Rantipole: A rude romping boy or girl; also a gadabout, dissipated woman. To ride rantipole; the same as riding St. George. See RIDING St. GEORGE. Also see WHORE.

Receiver General: A Prostitute.

Relish: Carnal connexion with a woman.

Riding St. George: The Woman uppermost in the amorous congress, that is, the dragon upon St. George. This is said to be the way to get a bishop.

Roger: To bull or lie with a woman; from the name of Roger being frequently given to a bull.

Romp: A forward wanton girl; a tomrig. See HOYDEN.

Scab: A worthless man or woman. Also see WHORE.

Scotch Warming Pan: A Wench; also a Fart.

To Screw: To copulate. A Female Screw: A common Prostitute.

Slattern: A woman sluttishly negligent in her dress.

Slut: A lewd or dissolute woman; a Prostitute.

Strumpet: A harlot.

Tart: pie, pastry, turnover, puff, Danish Pastry, French Pastry, Patisserie; Quiche, strudel, baklava, blintz, claire. Also a saucy whore.

Tomboy: A romping girl, who prefers the amusements used by boys to those of her own sex.

Town: A woman of the town: a prostitute.

Trapes: A slatternly woman, a careless sluttish woman.

Trollop: An unkempt, slovenly, low whore.

Trull: A ghostly monster, boor, lout, blockhead. A prostitute or mistress.

Trumpery: An old whore; or goods of no value.

Unfortunate Women: Prostitutes: so termed by the virtuous and compassionate of their own sex.

Wasp: An infected prostitute, who like a wasp carries a sting in her tail.

Well-hung: "The blowen was nutts upon the kiddey because he is well-hung." i.e.; the girl is pleased with the youth because his genitals are large.

Whore!: like they'd actually make an entry for this one, go figure ...

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Pompey Lil once said she's take me to 'the promised land

Cyril Said It All Before

Cyril Said It All Before (Post Tawney Blues)
Words & Music by Tom Lewis
(Recorded by Tom Lewis on Surfacing!)

You think life in the Navy's like a prisoner 'doing time',
And working in a submarine's like being down a mine,
You join 'The Mob' to go to sea, then for the shore you pine,
"I'm sure that no-one's ever had a feeling just like mine!",
Then you listen to the words in GREY FUNNEL LINE,
Cyril said it all before.

Now, I've sailed 'East of Suez', walked on Malta's golden sand,
I've marched the streets of Singapore behind a 'bootneck' band,
I've smoked my 'oppo's' fags and then complained about the brand,
Pompey Lil once said she's take me to 'the promised land',
I've eaten CHICKEN ON A RAFT, it didn't taste too grand,
Cyril said it all before.

I know it's true , in every port, we seem to have a dame,
But 'chasing skirt' in Guz or Pompey's just part of the game,
Then you meet your one-true-love, you offer her your name,
But she makes a fool of you, she turns your love to shame,
SALLY FREE AND EASY yes, hat ought to be her name,
Cyril said it all before.

"If things don't change they'll stay the same.", was on the dockyard wall,
But now I'm older I've found out it's not like that at all,
"The more things change the more they stay the same", should be the call,
I'm still saluting officers, the mighty never fall,
But you can still get hot-dogs from THE OGGIE MAN's old stall,
Cyril said it all before.

A LEAN AND UNWASHED TIFFY at the age of thirty-nine,
I'm nearly IN THE SIDINGS NOW, I've almost done m' time,
And FIVE FOOT FLIRTs don't come my way or if they do I fail,
I never did find SAMMY'S BAR, it was my holy grail,
It's time for me to say: "Goodbye!"; to DIESEL AND to SHALE,
Cyril said it all before. Cyril said it all before.

!930's traditional folk song.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Georgie Spritely

Just in case you wondered, here's a photograph of the lovely Georgie.