Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Pompey Lil once said she's take me to 'the promised land

Cyril Said It All Before

Cyril Said It All Before (Post Tawney Blues)
Words & Music by Tom Lewis
(Recorded by Tom Lewis on Surfacing!)

You think life in the Navy's like a prisoner 'doing time',
And working in a submarine's like being down a mine,
You join 'The Mob' to go to sea, then for the shore you pine,
"I'm sure that no-one's ever had a feeling just like mine!",
Then you listen to the words in GREY FUNNEL LINE,
Cyril said it all before.

Now, I've sailed 'East of Suez', walked on Malta's golden sand,
I've marched the streets of Singapore behind a 'bootneck' band,
I've smoked my 'oppo's' fags and then complained about the brand,
Pompey Lil once said she's take me to 'the promised land',
I've eaten CHICKEN ON A RAFT, it didn't taste too grand,
Cyril said it all before.

I know it's true , in every port, we seem to have a dame,
But 'chasing skirt' in Guz or Pompey's just part of the game,
Then you meet your one-true-love, you offer her your name,
But she makes a fool of you, she turns your love to shame,
SALLY FREE AND EASY yes, hat ought to be her name,
Cyril said it all before.

"If things don't change they'll stay the same.", was on the dockyard wall,
But now I'm older I've found out it's not like that at all,
"The more things change the more they stay the same", should be the call,
I'm still saluting officers, the mighty never fall,
But you can still get hot-dogs from THE OGGIE MAN's old stall,
Cyril said it all before.

A LEAN AND UNWASHED TIFFY at the age of thirty-nine,
I'm nearly IN THE SIDINGS NOW, I've almost done m' time,
And FIVE FOOT FLIRTs don't come my way or if they do I fail,
I never did find SAMMY'S BAR, it was my holy grail,
It's time for me to say: "Goodbye!"; to DIESEL AND to SHALE,
Cyril said it all before. Cyril said it all before.

!930's traditional folk song.

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