Abbess, or Lady Abbess: a bawd, or mistress of a brothel.
Athanasian Wench: A forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her.
Aunt: Mine aunt; a bawd or procuress; a title of eminence for the senior dells. See DELLS.
Balcum Rancum: a hop or dance, where the women are all prostitutes.
Bat: A low whore: so called from moving out like bats in the dusk of evening.
Biter: A wench whose quim is ready to bite her arse: a lascivious, rampant wench.
Blowen: A mistress or whore of a gentleman of the scamp. "The blowen kidded the swell into a snoozing ken, and shook him of his dummee and thimble." transl: the girl inveigled the gentleman into a brothel and robbed him of his pocket book and watch.
Bunter: A low dirty prostitute, half whore and half beggar.
Buttock: a whore.
Buttock Broker: A bawd, or a matchmaker.
Buttock and File: A common whore and a pickpocket.
Buttock and Twang, or Down Buttock and Sham-File: A common whore but no pickpocket.
Cat: Common Prostitute
Cattle: Whores or gypsies.
Coffee House: A necessary house. To make a coffee house of a woman's quim; to go in and out and spend nothing.
Commodity: A woman's commodity: the private parts of a modest woman, and the public parts of a prostitute.
Convenient: A Mistress.
Covent Garden Nun: A Prostitute.
Covey: a collection of whores. "What a find covey hereis, if the devil would but throw his net!"
Crack: A Whore.
Crackish: Whorish.
Crinkum Crankum: A woman's commodity. See SPECTATOR (Which they have failed to make an entry for. Use your imagination, kids.)
Curtizan [sic]: A Prostitute.
Custom House Goods: The stock in trade of a prostitute, because fairly entered.
Cyprian: A Prostitute.
Dells: Young buxom wenches, ripe and prone to venery, but who have not lost their virginity, which the "upright" man claims by virtue of his perogative: After which they become free for any of the fraternity. Also a common strumpet.
Demimondaine: a kept woman; a mistress.
Dishclout: A dirty, greasy woman. See WHORE.
Doxies: She-beggars, wenches, whores.
Drap: A nasty sluttish whore.
Drury Lane Vestal: A woman of the town, or a Prostitute.
Easy Virtue: An impure woman; a Prostitute.
Fen: A bawd or common prostitute.
Fusty Luggs: A beastly, sluttish woman.
Hedgewhore: An itinerent harlot who bilks the bagnios and bawdyhouses by disposing of her favours on the wayside under a hedge. A low, beggerly prostitute.
Hoyden: A romping girl. See WHORE.
Laced Mutton: See WHORE.
Madame Ran: A Whore.
Miss: A kept mistress. A Harlot.
Mob, or Mab: A Wench or a Harlot.
Monosyllable: A woman's commodity.
Moon-Eyed Hen: A squinting whore.
Mother: A bawd.
Mrs. Warren: see WHORE
Public Ledger: A prostitute, because like that paper, she is open to all parties.
Queer Mort: A diseased strumpet.
Rantipole: A rude romping boy or girl; also a gadabout, dissipated woman. To ride rantipole; the same as riding St. George. See RIDING St. GEORGE. Also see WHORE.
Receiver General: A Prostitute.
Relish: Carnal connexion with a woman.
Riding St. George: The Woman uppermost in the amorous congress, that is, the dragon upon St. George. This is said to be the way to get a bishop.
Roger: To bull or lie with a woman; from the name of Roger being frequently given to a bull.
Romp: A forward wanton girl; a tomrig. See HOYDEN.
Scab: A worthless man or woman. Also see WHORE.
Scotch Warming Pan: A Wench; also a Fart.
To Screw: To copulate. A Female Screw: A common Prostitute.
Slattern: A woman sluttishly negligent in her dress.
Slut: A lewd or dissolute woman; a Prostitute.
Strumpet: A harlot.
Tart: pie, pastry, turnover, puff, Danish Pastry, French Pastry, Patisserie; Quiche, strudel, baklava, blintz, claire. Also a saucy whore.
Tomboy: A romping girl, who prefers the amusements used by boys to those of her own sex.
Town: A woman of the town: a prostitute.
Trapes: A slatternly woman, a careless sluttish woman.
Trollop: An unkempt, slovenly, low whore.
Trull: A ghostly monster, boor, lout, blockhead. A prostitute or mistress.
Trumpery: An old whore; or goods of no value.
Unfortunate Women: Prostitutes: so termed by the virtuous and compassionate of their own sex.
Wasp: An infected prostitute, who like a wasp carries a sting in her tail.
Well-hung: "The blowen was nutts upon the kiddey because he is well-hung." i.e.; the girl is pleased with the youth because his genitals are large.
Whore!: like they'd actually make an entry for this one, go figure ...
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